UTHC – New Terminology to Replace LO

Terminology matters

Today I would like to introduce a new term, ‘unrightful thought and heart captivator,’ UTHC for short. The secular limerence community commonly uses LO for ‘limerence object’ to refer to the same concept, and until now I adopted it also. Recently, however, I have been encouraged to use biblical terminology to define limerence and its effects on the human heart. I felt it was appropriate to use a new term that better reflects how the person toward whom a limerent individual harbors affection, consumes the limerent’s heart and mind. ‘Limerence object,’ while an accurate term in that it defines the desired person as the target of one’s affection in limerence, does not reflect this important information.

Biblical Basis

The primary Bible verse upon which the term UTHC is based is 2 Corinthians 10:5. “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and taking into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

Our hearts are often quick to justify our sin such as the idolatry of limerence. After all, while limerence has a hold on us we feel like we can’t live without the reciprocation we desire. But the knowledge of who God is reveals that He is all we really need. Also, Jesus loves us and therefore has our best interests at heart. Consequently, it is to our benefit to bring back every wandering thought and choose to obey Christ, despite any feelings that are contrary to the truth.

Admittedly, ‘unrightful thought and heart captivator’ is a bit of a mouthful. But I think it serves as a very pointed reminder that limerence takes one’s focus away from the true and living God. Every time a limerent Christian person thinks of the one he or she desires as his or her UTHC, the U for ‘unrightful’ turns the focus back to Christ. Jesus is the only one who is worthy to captivate our hearts and minds the way our desired romantic others have.

UTHC or LO – You May Decide

I hope you will join me in adopting this term. If you choose to keep using LO because it is so familiar or you take issue with UTHC for some reason, that is okay. Please do let me know what the issue is, if applicable, and I will consider it through a biblical lens. Either way, when you see UTHC used throughout this site, know that I mean what others call the LO.