Colors of Love: Orange in Optimism

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of the color orange is the season of fall. Orange pumpkins, orange leaves on the trees, and all the pumpkin-flavored treats available in fall.

Even some of my favorite cats are orange. This includes my beautiful Ember, an orange and white female classic tabby.

These are only the things I personally have normally associated with orange. Today the color orange symbolizes several things I wouldn’t have consciously connected to it. In this post, we will explore this symbolism in the context of limerence.

Symbolism of Orange

According to Adobe, the color orange symbolizes optimism, spontaneity and a high energy. The brightness of the color is thought to evoke a feeling of positivity.

All of these are experienced fully by those who are in limerence. Our optimism tends to exceed the limits of reasonable hope and linger in positive memories of our limerence objects. We feel revelry in spontaneity around them like nothing can hold us back. As for high energy, there is nothing that motivates us like the thought of being with them.

So orange is one of the many colors of love and limerence. This is interesting, but how do we relate it to our relationship with Jesus?

Cautious Optimism

Unfortunately, we are often forced to take the stance of cautious optimism. In this broken world, there are too many disappointments, setbacks and unexpected challenges that let us down. If we take them to heart, they can even make us cynical.

As believers in Christ, we can hold fast to His words in John 16:33, “Take heart, I have overcome the world.” One day there will be no more disappointments and no more rejection. Jesus welcomes us with open arms, like a loving father greets his children when he comes home after being away for a time.

To anyone who might hold us back, He says, “Let the little children come to me.” (Matthew 19:14) Whether we are children or adults, He treats our hearts tenderly and mercifully. He wants us to feel only loved and valued, so He grieves with us when we are hurting, and He rejoices with us when we are feeling blessed.

It is true that the idea of cautious optimism is useful for this present world. However, you are free to do away with it altogether when Jesus returns. I cannot speak for you, dear reader, but the thought of that makes me giddy. Truly, nothing will be able to hold us back anymore.


Other associations made with the color orange are spontaneity and energy. It is inexpressibly fun and energizing to act spontaneously, especially with someone you love.

We need to be careful, though, because we do not want to act impulsively. Otherwise, we are doomed to make a mistake that could have been easily avoided. There should always be wisdom behind the decisions we make.

My better judgment was disregarded when I sneaked out of the house in the middle of the night. I could have been kidnapped or worse during my walk to where my love interest lived. Honestly, I felt compelled, weak, desperate and nearly powerless to stop myself even if it was a mistake.

God protected me in spite of the desperation that compelled me. He can protect you also from acting impulsively and/or compulsively in the first place. This could look like giving you strength not to send another message to your limerence object. It could be confirming that you need to remove yourself from his or her presence for a while. If you work with him or her, it could be making a way for you to create distance between you.

God always makes a way for you to do His will. Matthew 19:26 says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Feel free to be spontaneous, especially when you are led by the Holy Spirit. He may very well prompt you to do something you might not do otherwise. But be sure to conduct yourself in accordance with the wisdom imparted to you. When you struggle against compulsion like I did, ask Him for strength and turn to His Word. The Sword of Truth will help fight the battle.

Positive Thinking vs. God’s Promises

I would like to touch on one final point here. In today’s culture, there is an emphasis on “the power of positive thinking” (such as the book so titled and authored by Norman Vincent Peale). Positive thinking is certainly helpful, but it needs to go deeper.

Any wishful thinking or positive outlook we may have cannot compare to the promise we have in Jesus. We can think positively because we have hope in Jesus, peace in Jesus, confidence and faith in Jesus. While we cannot approach our limerence objects without holding back, we can boldly approach God’s throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16).

Therefore, our rainbow of emotions should bring us to our knees. The optimism of orange makes it one of the happier colors, so it is a reason to give thanks! “Always be thankful”, and “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18).

If you are feeling optimistic, thank Him for the blessings that have made you feel that way! If not, stay tuned because we will cover several not-so-happy emotions in the coming weeks. Either way, cling to Him, for He is our rock and our fortress, a mighty, ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).

This post is part of the 2023 Colors of Love series. Other posts in the series cover red, gray, white, black, purple, green, blue and yellow.