“Loved” – Story in Song Form

I wrote “Loved” in 2010 about my then-fiancé. Although we ultimately did not remain together, the lyrics are applicable to my relationship with my husband. He and I have been married since 2013.

The song serves as a great summary of the major role of romantic love in my life from an early age.

All my life the one thing I really cared about 
Was sweet true love and how I'd feel the day I'll say I'm married now
I went to school for the boys - education was a bonus 
But I started getting annoyed, because of me they wouldn't take notice 

I'm a girl who simply wanted to be loved 
My world would shatter every time I realized those eyes would not be mine 

Love at first sight it was but sadly only for me 
Took his advice and chased after another so diligently 
They were the loves of my life - because of them my heart was most broken 
And when I'm honest with myself I'm not sure I ever really stopped hoping 

I'm a girl who simply wanted to be loved 
My world would shatter every time I realized those eyes would not be mine
Yes, I know it wasn't meant to be, but my mind was blown when he would look at me 
My soul longed to sing love songs that had happier rhymes 

This is not what I expected this song to be 
Kisses go to the one I'm with now and eternally 
And just to be clear, I am happy at the place I'm in
So now that I'm finally here, I say goodbye to where I've been 

I may not have the glamorous romance that I dreamed of 
But I can say with a confident heart that I have true love 
It took a while for me to heal and just as long for my heart to open 
But to feel the way I feel, I dare say, it was worth every time it was broken 

I'm a girl who simply wanted to be loved 
My world would shatter every time I realized those eyes would not be mine 
Now I know how it feels to just let go and really be in love on both sides 
It's incomparable - my heart can finally shine 

I particularly want to call attention to the line, “I may not have the glamorous romance that I dreamed of, but I can say with a confident heart that I have true love.” Having experienced limerence from early childhood, my concept of true love was skewed, my expectations unrealistic.

With my husband I have learned how mutual love is supposed to be. I will never experience euphoria with him like I did in my limerence, but that’s not a bad thing. We have something beautiful and stable and which grows deeper every day as we raise our children.

I loved and longed for my LO with my entire being, but my husband and I love and long for Jesus together. Jesus, who IS true love and grows us continually in His abundant, free life. My heart indeed was shattered in the absence of requited love, but God knew and always knows better. And it can shine ever more brightly as it reflects the light He has seen fit to bring to my life.